Here are a few recent portraits of my brother-in-law. I'm loving my new lighting equipment!
December 21, 2010
December 16, 2010
Jenkins Family -- In the Orchard, Utah family photography
This photo shoot was a bit of an adventure, thanks to my poor sense of direction. But, after a little help from my husband's dear iPhone, we found our way to this orchard. Thanks for being so patient with me. I loved these pictures. Love the Jenkins, too. They're dear friends and I'm so glad they're back in Utah!
December 15, 2010
Annie & Shawn -- Cactus & Tropicals Salt Lake Reception
Got to say, this was one of my favorite receptions this year. I think Cactus & Tropicals is an amazing venue. Add an amazing couple and you're set. Enjoy the pics!
December 14, 2010
Annie & Shawn -- Wedding at the Salt Lake Temple
Ok, so how cute is this couple? You can just tell they are madly in love with each other and genuinely enjoy one another. Here are a few of my favorite pictures from their wedding day in November. It was a little bit windy, but just enough to pick up the leaves, blow Annie's veil around and make for some great pictures. I'll post the reception tomorrow. Thank you, guys, for letting me be your photographer. -- Nicole
December 12, 2010
Annie & Shawn -- Bride and groom shots at the Utah Capitol
Remember Annie & Shawn? They're the couple that had the incredible rainbow in one of their bride/groom shots? We'll, here a few more (finally) from that photo session. I just gave them their wedding pictures tonight, so once I know they've had a chance to see them, then I'll post. xo, Nicole
December 9, 2010
Murray High School -- Fall Ball (continued)
As promised, here are a few more pictures from that dance photo shoot. Love them! Watch later this weekend for some pictures from Annie and Shawn's wedding, plus some more from their bride/groom session.
December 8, 2010
Murray High Fall Ball
Here's a sneak peek of some recent pictures for a high school dance. These guys decided to go a different route than the traditional gym pictures. So much fun! I'll post more tomorrow as I finish them up.